About Velindre Cancer Charity

Velindre Cancer Charity is the official Charity of Velindre Cancer Centre and is proud to fund a wide range of roles, resources and services that support our patients and their families.

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Velindre Cancer Centre is known as The Hospital Of Hope, and this is made possible because of the fantastic and committed support of our donors and fundraisers.

Your support through donations, events, fundraising and overseas challenges allow us to fund projects over and above those provided by the NHS which improve the experience and outcomes of patients receiving treatment and care at the hospital.

In addition to supporting our passionate community of supporters through their own fundraising initiatives, Velindre Charity hosts a range of events and campaigns that aim to raise vital funds, boost community and corporate engagement and increase awareness of Velindre and the gold standard care it provides.

Your continued donations and support also enable us to:

  • Offer better quality of care through complex treatment pathways
  • Enable earlier access to cutting edge treatments
  • Research into new treatments
  • Purchase specialist equipment
  • Fund invaluable support services and resources
  • Ensure our staff have access to the most up to date training and techniques available

It really is difficult to overstate the difference donations make here at Velindre Cancer Centre, but the benefits are invaluable.

Our History

Velindre Cancer Charity was relaunched in 2007 with humble beginnings of community focussed fundraising and a new team of passionate fundraisers to drive it forward.

The Charity experienced its first boost in profile when Welsh Rugby Legend, Jonathan Davies OBE became involved as Charity Patron alongside fellow rugby legend, Martyn Williams and Manic Street Preachers front man, James Dean Bradfield. Each Patron had their own personal connection with the Cancer Centre and were integral in inspiring others to join them in gaining #VictoryOverCancer and putting this small, Welsh charity on the map.

In 2008, Jonathan accepted the title of President and inspired a nation of supporters who would make up the most incredible community of dedicated donors and fundraisers.

Our Mission

We provide support to Velindre NHS Trust’s provision to world class research-led treatment, care and support for patients and families affected by cancer. Our focus also extends to other patients involved in the donation of blood or stem cells in association with our Trust Partners, The Welsh Blood Service.

The Charity campaigns to raise awareness and vital funds that are invested in promoting Quality, Care and Excellence in all services provided by Velindre NHS Trust.

Our Appeals

Velindre is well known for providing high quality radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments, care and support to cancer patients. However, each year Velindre also spends over a million pounds on funding ground breaking research programmes into many areas of cancer.

Our One…Step…Closer. appeal will fund research into cancer at Velindre as we aim to achieve our ultimate goal of Victory over Cancer. If you would like to support our cancer research campaign at Velindre, join us and help us get one step closer.

Our Current Appeals

Click to read more about each appeal

Aphrodite Appeal

Supporting Gynaecological Cancer Research and Care.

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Headfirst Appeal

Brain and spinal cord tumour support.

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Cutting Edge Appeal

Supporting Advanced Radiotherapy Research

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Leading Lights Appeal

Supporting Specialist Nureses.

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Pink Appeal

Supporting Breast Cancer Research & Care.

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Aphrodite Appeal

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Supporting Gynaecological Cancer Research and Care.

Over 1000 women are diagnosed with gynaecological cancer each year in Wales. Gynaecological cancers affect the female reproductive tract, most frequently the ovaries, the womb or the cervix. Gynaecological cancers can affect women of every age and from every walk of life. Despite advances in recent years, with more women surviving longer, gynaecological cancers remain a significant health problem for many women.  

An area the staff at Velindre Cancer Centre are focusing on is chemotherapy, and research is crucial as a way of identifying new treatments. We are reviewing the anti-sickness treatments we offer through a research project looking specifically at gynaecological patients. Often, local research projects can be undertaken during study for a higher university degree. By supporting staff in the Aphrodite Appeal, we are not only improving our service but also equipping staff with the knowledge and skills they require to undertake further projects.

Donate to Aphrodite Appeal

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Velindre has been amazing. What a lovely hospital! Everybody there, from the doctors, the nurses in chemo and phlebotomy to the receptionists, they’re all wonderful. I was petrified going there but now I look forward to it because everybody is so friendly. I honestly cannot praise the NHS enough. You hear so many bad stories but my experience has been incredible. If you paid for it you wouldn’t get a better service! Now I want to raise as much money as I can for Velindre’s Aphrodite Appeal to simply say thank you.

Headfirst Appeal

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Brain and spinal cord tumour support.

Brain and spinal cord tumours are rare conditions that can be devastating for those affected and their families and are different from other types of cancer since they affect the part of the body that makes us who we are. Brain tumours affect adults and children and whilst survival has improved for many other cancers, the survival rates for brain tumours in adults has improved little in over 40 years. Velindre receives between 100-150 referrals for patients with brain and spinal cord tumours per year and survival often comes with physical and mental changes, caused not just by the tumour but also by its treatment. It is therefore a priority for future brain tumour research to reduce the side effects of treatment as well as improving survival. Stereotactic radiosurgery at Velindre means that the need for brain surgery in certain cases and reducing side effects for patients. Brain tumour research activity in the UK has been underfunded and poorly supported compared to other forms of cancer with less than 2% of the £500 million invested in cancer research in the UK every year spent on brain tumour research.

Headfirst: The Velindre Brain Tumour Appeal will

  • Increase awareness and raise the profile of brain and spinal cord tumourresearch in Wales.
  • Provide support for local brain tumour research projects with the aim of improving understanding and treatment of brain tumours.
  • Provide funding for educational grants for doctors, nurses and other health professionals involved in the care of patients with brain tumours at Velindre to attend national meetings to ensure that we continue to provide the best possible care.
  • Fund equipment to improve the way we treat brain tumour patients.

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The support has been phenomenal. With a brain injury, you’re not 100% but the support we had was phenomenal. Obviously, you get your low days and it isn’t all sunshine and happiness there are dark days and I am not always well and smiley. “I take part in these challenges to raise awareness and money.

Cutting Edge Appeal

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Supporting Advanced Radiotherapy Research

The Cutting Edge Appeal supports an ambitious programme of radiotherapy related research activity within Velindre and Cardiff, building on our established track record for the delivery of the highest quality care, research excellence and clinical leadership. The ultimate goal for the Cutting Edge Appeal is to provide the funds that will allow us to establish a Velindre Radiotherapy Research Institute which will pull together all of the different radiotherapy related research activities under a single leadership group. This will provide an infrastructure to support clinical research into cutting edge radiation treatments and an identity providing a single source of access to external research collaborators and partners.

The Cutting Edge research areas will be:

  • to develop and lead national radiotherapy trials,
  • radiotherapy trials quality assurance,
  • radiation treatment modelling
  • laboratory-based research.

The Cutting Edge Appeal will help ensure that Velindre is recognised as a ground breaking radiotherapy research centre in the future and can continue to deliver the very highest quality radiotherapy for the people of Wales.

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We all know friends, family, loved ones who have been touched by this illness. I have watched with interest ex-England rugby player Lawrence Dallaglio campaign for better access to radiotherapy treatments. As a result of this and other pressure, English Government has promised £11 million to develop SABR services and it aims to treat 750 patients per year in England. So continuing our rivalry on the field, I am very keen to ensure that cancer services in Wales are at the very least the equivalents of those in England. But I also believe if we work together, we can go further, we can be the best ‘team’ in the world.

Leading Lights Appeal

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Supporting Specialist Nureses.

Over many years Velindre has developed a reputation for the excellence of its care and support for patients and families undergoing the trauma of dealing with cancer. The standard of care provided by our Specialist Nurses is frequently over and above what is expected. It is Velindre Cancer Centre’s aim that ALL patients have access to a named Specialist Nurse. Being diagnosed and dealing with the effects of cancer can be a traumatic time for patients and families; our Specialist Nurses provide the highest level of supportive care when it is most needed, with the belief that patients should not be cared for in isolation but within the context of their family unit and that any care must be both patient and family focused. Our Specialist Nurses are involved in many patient-centered initiatives and are able to provide expert information. Another key part of their role is to act as patient advocates, raising concerns of both patients and relatives to the medical team and diffusing anxieties. They are able to manage a seamless transfer of care between multi-disciplinary specialist teams and are able to support the patient through inpatient/outpatient and hospital and community care.

The Leading Lights Appeal will support our Specialist Nurses to provide:

  • Specialist levels of supportive care to patients and families.
  • Patient centered approach and family focused support.
  • Expert information.
  • Patient advocates, raising concerns of both patients and relatives to the medical team and diffusing anxieties.
  • A seamless transfer of care between multi-disciplinary specialist teams.
  • Support for the patient through inpatient and outpatient and hospital and community care.

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I had to write and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful support which you gave to me and my family during my husband’s illness. The last two weeks have quite simply been the saddest days of my life but without your care, compassion, overwhelming professionalism and kind words of support during my husband’s stay in hospital the traumatic time would have been unbearable.

Pink Appeal

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Supporting Breast Cancer Research & Care.

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer and more than 2,500 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer in Wales each year, and the incidence is rising. More than half of these women will be treated, supported and cared for at Velindre Cancer Centre. Velindre manages an active, extensive and award winning programme of research into a wide variety of cancers. the team of clinical and scientific researchers have been recognized for their work on discovering why some breast cancers become resistant to some forms of anti-oestrogen therapy (such as tamoxifen) and identifying the molecular pathways in the cell that enable this to happen. This research has been cited at the prestigious San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium in Texas USA.

Research continues into growing breast cancer cells from patients in the laboratory as so-called “Mammospheres” and testing these tissues at various stages of disease to better understand the effect of new treatments and how the cells may change over time.

Donate to Pink Appeal

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Together, with the money you raise, which is being spent directly on research, local development projects and training, we will improve the care and outcomes for patients with early and secondary breast cancer in Wales.

Stepping Stones

Supporting Lung Cancer Research.

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Supporting Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Research

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Head & Neck Cancers

Supporting Head & Neck Cancer Patients.

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The Undercover Appeal

Supporting Bowel Cancer Research

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Funding Research into Cancer.

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Stepping Stones

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Supporting Lung Cancer Research.

Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in Wales and England. There are nearly 2000 people newly diagnosed with lung cancer in Wales every year, so it is a significant health problem. Although most cases are associated with smoking, we are seeing an increasing number of sufferers who have never smoked. More people in the UK survive cancer now than ever before thanks to early detection and better treatments The Lung Cancer campaign at Velindre is called the Stepping Stones Appeal and funds local research into treatments and management of the illness. Although lung cancer is the most common form of cancer death in Wales, lung cancer research has been relatively poorly supported compared to other higher profile forms of cancer.

The Stepping Stones Appeal will provide

  • Funding for local lung cancer research projects. It is increasingly difficult to fund research in medicine and increased income means we will be able to provide support for local research projects looking at improving patient care.
  • Educational grants to doctors, nurses and other health professionals involved in the care of lung cancer patients.
  • Equipment provision. Advances in technology mean that treatment is being delivered more efficiently and safely.

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From the day when I heard the dreaded news that I had lung cancer, my life changed forever. Those of you that have been there will know how frightening the unknown is. Velindre – the name was enough – we’ve all heard of it. It’s a place where other people go. Not me. What a surprise I had. It was as if they were waiting for me with open arms to take me on this awful journey to a little corner of Heaven and God was there. God was Dr Lester who will always be such a very special person to me.

When I met him, I knew I was in safe hands and I continued to be in awe at the care and devotion shown to me by them all. If any of you have to go to Velindre, do not be afraid – amongst other things there’s a good canteen! I never thought about cancer research – I did not need it-but I certainly benefited and that is why we need to help these wonderful people try and find the answers and strive for a cancer free world for our children.


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Supporting Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Research

Over 20,000 people are diagnosed with Upper Gastrointestinal (UGI) cancers each year in the UK. Wales has one of the highest incidences of some of these cancers with more than 1300 affected each year. These cancers are among the most difficult to treat, as patients are often diagnosed late. UGI cancer is a malignancy which affects the upper part of the digestive system, including the oesophagus (sometimes called the gullet), stomach, pancreas and liver. The incidence of oesophageal cancer, especially affecting the lower part of the oesophagus, has risen dramatically in recent years.

The ATTAC Appeal for Upper GI Patients will:

  • Coordinate research to enable us to diagnose patients earlier.
  • Help and support patients through complicated multi-modality treatments.
  • Use targeted biological novel agents and advanced radiotherapy techniques to systematically support patients.
  • Carry out research and development to improve the treatments available.

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Outcomes for patients with cancers of the Upper Gastrointestinal System are not as good as we would like them to be. Velindre is fortunate to have an excellent multi-disciplinary team that is working tirelessly to improve these outcomes. We have led the UK in research and this has led to the introduction of improved treatments.

Head & Neck Cancers

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Supporting Head & Neck Cancer Patients.

Head and Neck cancers may affect many sites including the tongue, mouth, throat, tonsils and voice box. Around 500 men and women are affected by Head and Neck cancer each year in Wales, and over half of these will be treated at Velindre. Head and Neck cancers often present with pain and difficulty on swallowing and/or a lump in the neck. Early detection is important because these cancers can be cured if caught early enough and treated successfully.

Treatment for Head and Neck cancer may involve surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. As well as improving the chances of cure, reducing side effects from these intensive treatments is an important goal of future research.

The Head and Neck team at Velindre has led the introduction of highly precise forms of radiotherapy in Wales, resulting in reduced side effects for patients.

Donate to Head & Neck Cancers

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Patients with Head and Neck cancer often experience difficulties with speech and swallowing and their appearance may change as a result of the cancer itself or its treatment. I am supporting the appeal to raise money for research and equipment that will help patients with Head and Neck cancer at Velindre.

The Undercover Appeal

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Supporting Bowel Cancer Research

Colorectal cancer, a cancer of the colon or rectum, is one of the most common cancers and over 36,000 people are diagnosed each year in the UK. The main parts of our large bowel are the colon and rectum. We can all find it difficult or uncomfortable to talk about areas of our bodies that are so personal and not everyone wants to see a physician to get screened for these types of cancers. Velindre’ s Colorectal Research campaign The Undercover Appeal aims to increase awareness of these “hidden” cancers and to raise the money needed to continue to fund and expand our research programmes. Funding for bowel cancer research projects will enable our research groups to keep up with the international forefront and help us make new discoveries faster.

Research fellowships for doctors, scientists, nurses and other health professionals involved in bowel cancer research or the care of bowel cancer patients. This will help us to provide research opportunities for a wider group of personnel and enable staff to be fully aware of the scientific developments in the field and to provide the best care possible for bowel cancer patients.Money raised by the Undercover Appeal will help purchase equipment both to improve the research capacity and to improve the way we treat bowel cancer patients.

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Early detection is absolutely vital – bowel cancer is one of the most curable cancers if caught early enough and treated successfully.


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Funding Research into Cancer.

As the premier Cancer Centre in Wales Velindre is well known for providing high quality radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments, care and support to cancer patients. But did you know that each year Velindre spends over a million pounds on funding ground breaking research programmes into many areas of cancer including breast, lung, brain, head and neck. There have been significant developments in many areas, and our new campaign aims to highlight these succeses, whilst looking to fund future developments

Our new appeal One…Step..Closer.  will fund research into cancer at Velindre as we aim to achieve our ultimate goal of Victory over Cancer.

If you would like to support our cancer research campaign at Velindre, join us and help us get one step closer.

Donate to One…Step…Closer

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It is thanks to Velindre Cancer Centre for the care, treatment and support that they gave my father and us during his Cancer treatment that has inspired me to give something back and raise funds for such an amazing and worthwhile cause.

Victory Over Cancer

Supporting Cencer Patients and families.

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Victory Over Cancer

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Supporting Cencer Patients and families.

Facing up to, and dealing with cancer is one of the biggest challenges that anyone can face; it affects everything – family, friends, work colleagues and how you live your life. It can be a very frightening time. At Velindre we endeavour to support cancer patients and their families through this difficult period, and our specially trained and highly committed staff strive every day to make this time as comfortable as possible. We believe that every hour, every day, every month that someone survives cancer is a victory. Every pound that is raised will be used to help us in our battle to achieve the ultimate goal of Victory Over Cancer. Patient centred care is at the heart of everything we do and believe in here at Velindre Cancer Centre; all money raised from our Victory over Cancer campaign will be used to ensure the best possible support is offered to every patient, their families and carers dealing with cancer. It will allow us to fund ground breaking research, specialist equipment, and new developments so our staff have access to the most up to date training and techniques available.

Someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer every 2 minutes, but already more people in Wales are surviving cancer because of early detection and better treatments.

Support our campaign and help us to achieve Victory over Cancer.

Donate to Victory Over Cancer

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Every event, every activity, no matter how small, will be a celebration because anything that helps defy cancer will contribute towards our aim of Victory Over Cancer.

Latest News

27 February 2025

February’s Fundraising Wrap Up

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6 February 2025

The Velindre Charity Secures London Marathon Places for the First Time Ever!

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31 January 2025

2025 Wear Red for Wales and Velindre

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Mae fersiwn Gymraeg y wefan hon wrthi'n cael ei hadeiladu ar hyn o bryd. Yn y cyfamser, os oes angen unrhyw gymorth neu gwybodaeth codi arian arnoch drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, cysylltwch â 029 2031 6211 neu e-bostiwchinfo@velindrefundraising.com

The welsh language version of this website is currently under construction. In the meantime, if you require any information or fundraising support through the medium of Welsh, please contact 029 2031 6211 or email info@velindrefundraising.com.