Ways To Donate
Make a donation today!
Donate online todayPaying in Donations
There are a number of different ways that you can pay in your donations which are highlighted below for you to choose the most convenient way for you.

Send a cheque made payable to ‘Velindre Fundraising’ to Velindre Fundraising, Velindre Cancer Centre, Velindre Road, Cardiff, CF14 2TL. Please include your contact details, address and any information around why you are making a donation so we can acknowledge your generosity appropriately.

Pay by debit or credit card over the phone by calling
029 2031 6211.

If making a Bank Transfer is the easiest method of payment for you, please contact us to request our bank details and a unique reference code for your transaction.

In Person
Pay by cash, card or cheque at the Charity office which is situated at Velindre Cancer Centre. Our offices are open Monday – Friday 9am to 4pm and a member of our fundraising team will be on hand to receive your donation.

Thank you for your continued support!
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Fundraising Team info@velindrefundraising.com or call 029 2031 6211
*Without any imposition of trust, we will attempt to comply with your wishes as to the use of the donation; unless specified your donation will be paid into our General Donations Fund which is used to support all our services, projects and appeals.
Velindre Fundraising holds your details to keep a record of your donation, managed in accordance with Data Protection. We will never share your details.
Donations to Velindre are used to fund things over and above what the NHS provide, so your fundraising really does make a huge difference.